Resettle forest evictees, Nandi governor asks the national government.

Forests evictees have suffered injustices and should be resettled immediately, Nandi governor Stephen Sang has said.

Locals were flushed out of Kipkurere and Serengonik forests 15 years ago after the national government accused them of invading the land.

On Friday, Sang accused the National government of sponsoring an injustice on innocent citizens saying the eviction of locals from the forests was unfairly done.

The governor who addressed the media at his office claimed the evictees were promised an alternative land, a pledge that the state has refused to honour.

ALSO READ: Victim of forest-eviction overcome all odds and emerged top 10 nationally in KCPE.

Sang said many livelihoods had been destroyed since the victims have been kept in unending state of waiting to be resettled.

He said many children were unable to proceed with their education because their parents, who were victims, did not have the means of providing children.

The governor was speaking at the backdrop of a recent case where a class eight candidate, Abiud Kipkirui, from one of the family of the evictees emerged position seven nationally after scoring 430 out of 500 marks.

Sang who has promised to cater for the student’s fees said it was possible that there were many other students with similar experiences, whose futures were doomed by the injustices of the national government.

“There are many other ‘Abiuds’ among the forest evictees. It is time that the government corrects this wrong because they evicted people from their own home. This people were brought up in the forest and they have never known any other home,” said Sang.

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